Weekly CPA Power Ranking

  • Top Ten Power Rankings (Club Penguin Armies)
    1. RPF (99.9)
    2. IW (99.1)
    3. HF/ACP (tie) (88.8)
    5. SWAT (80.00)
    6. WV/DCP (Tie – 78.9)
    7. WN (70.00)
    8. SE (63.00)
    9. RR (55.00)
    10. GT(53.00)
    —– Close to Top Ten —–
    FP, PZF

(opinion based on overall size, activity and strength. numbers are random to determine disparity between armies)

AUSIA New Era Training [RESULTS]

Today we decided to log on CP Chapter 2 to have a training event for our AUSIA Division. We were met with a bit more lag than we previously experienced with CPArmies but managed to push through and have an amazing and successful event.
Max : 23

CPArmies Memories Compilation

Found our website and want to become a SWAT member?

Join the SWAT Discord at : https://discord.gg/HEMbzNNqNV

SWAT CPArmies Compilation and the beginning of the Post-Flash Era

With the end of Adobe Flash and the CPPS – CPArmies, many armies in the community are now looking for the best way to transition and sustain their armies’ success. SWAT is in the same shoes and we are currently in the process of transitioning to new CPPS’es, the main ones being CP Chapter 2 and CP Rewritten. For not only SWAT, but to the entire community, I encourage you all to stay positive and fight through these tough times and don’t give up on your armies, because SWAT certainly will not.
And now, we can take this time to look back at the amazing memories that SWAT has had together on CPArmies and motivate ourselves to now make many more.
SWAT Forever, enjoy!

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SWAT’s Official Response to ACP

We love the competition, it’s the main thing about this game that motivates us, especially coming from our biggest rival of all time, ACP. Stop trying to take screenshots and paint a false picture, me pinging two ACP troops who helped against us in every war we’ve been in during this generation (keep in mind, ACP was not personally in any of these wars). ACP provided 15+ troops for PZF’s first AUSIA battle in the war with SWAT, and aided WV for the entire war. I mean you can talk about our ‘trash-talking of ACP’, but you showed with action that you too, were against SWAT.
So enough talking, and let it begin.

Defense of Cozy
Sunday, December 27th
7:00 PM EST, 12:00 AM GMT

Defense of Slushy [RESULTS]


SWAT Agents >>> ATTENTION: We are at war!
I am very proud of our performance in this battle. Keep up the great work we will only get better as time goes, fight for SWAT!